Key Lessons on Implementation

ICT projects in particular are usually faced with complex Implementation issues. This is due to the number of role-players involved, providers and the technical issues that go along with ICT projects.

Key Lessons on Language Issues

In the South African context, a majority of learners and their teachers are learning and teaching through a medium of instruction different to their home languages. There is no denying that competence gaps in English as the medium of instruction (on the part of both learners and teachers) can influence concept acquisition and educational progression, and that language is a huge issue in education in general.

Key Lessons on Learner Attendance and Dropout

In projects which demand voluntary attendance, dropout and absenteeism on the part of learners can happen for a number of reasons, some which are beyond the control of any project, while others could be taken into account in project planning and management.

Key Lessons on Learning Interventions: Benefits and Constraints

‘Learning interventions’ refers to projects aimed at having a direct impact on the learning of learners, rather than benefitting them indirectly through mechanisms such as teacher upskilling or provision of infrastructure. The key lessons will focus on ways in which learners have benefitted (or not) from an intervention in a learning area or subject.

Key Lessons on Professional Learning Communities

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are groups of teachers working together to discuss and review their own teaching practices and their learners’ learning. The aim is to share experiences, knowledge, techniques and insights with the aim of improving teaching practices and learner achievement.

Key Lessons on Teacher Profiles

Some projects are targeted directly at improving teacher performance, while others might target learners or focus on provision of resources. Regardless, teachers generally play a pivotal role in the success of any school-based interventions.

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The GEDT works with a wide range of local, national and global organisations and individuals who are passionate about access to quality education in Gauteng.

Any business, organization or person interested to work with us can get in touch with.