The following lessons apply to learner-focused ICT projects:

  • One of the most common reason given for dropout is attendance at competing programmes which offer more benefits. This means that project planning needs to include an awareness of how competing projects might affect attendance and therefore project outcomes. The benefits of a planned intervention need to be communicated clearly to learners
  • One of the reasons learners do not attend is due to the duration of proects, therefore, projects need to carefully assess duration and timing impacts. Providing learners with food is an incentive and may sometimes be a necessity.
  • Implementation issues such as lack of access to labs and computers, technical difficulties and lack of assistance can cause absenteeism. Effective implementation would clearly reduce absenteeism and dropout rates.
  • Consistent monitoring or record-keeping of learners’ attendance is key. It supports regular attendance. Projects ought to consider punitive measures for non-attendance in project activities to which learners had committed themselves.

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